
While the $YAI token may be listed on third-party platforms, such as Uniswap, it is important to note that we do not provide support for swap functionalities, token pricing, availability, or stability on these platforms. The $YAI token serves solely as a utility token within our ecosystem. Please check Ÿ token disclaimer below.

YAI chose a Fair launch approach with Anti-snipe functions, no private or public sales, ICO or VC funding.

Platform: Ethereum

Total supply: 100.000.000 YAI

Contract Address: 0x477a3d269266994f15e9c43a8d9c0561c4928088

Initial Token allocation

  • 90.000.000 YAI Token (90% of total supply) - Initial Liquidity

  • 5.000.000 YAI Tokens (5% of total supply) - Listing and Marketing Reserve

  • 5.000.000 YAI Tokens (5% of total supply) - Team

Liquidity Locked for 6 months with UNCX network - verify

Tax (contract fee): 5/5 Until the project generates enough revenue through its services to cover growth and operational costs. Check Financial Plan.

Note that 50% of trading fees are directed to marketing to cover marketing related expenses. Check out our X announcement here.

Last updated